The Gatekeepers - Signed Print - FREE SHIPPING

Item Description

This listing is for one "The Gatekeepers" print, numbered and signed by Elizabeth Eleanor Davis. This print is made on museum quality, archival, fine art paper, meaning it will hold up and look great for years to come.

My last painting of 2023! This piece was inspired by some of my biggest inspirations, all brought together in still life form. The books feautred in the piece, Lord of the Rings and The Vampire Chronicles changed my young mind forever the first time I read them. Caravaggio is one of my favorite painters, and his biography is scandelously interesting. The bust og Beethoven sits solemn and proud, and his works have blown my mind from a young age. all of these are surrounded by the fluttering wings of Gatekeeper Butterlfies. Why Gatekeepers? Well, at first I just thought they were pretty specimens and added a nice contrast to the items in the piece. But there is something I find rather commical about the same of these beauties. 

We talk a lot about gate keeping in the goth scene, what it looks like and what it isn't, and how it harms the future of the subculture. I thought it rather humorous to add Gatekeeper butterflies to symbols of knowledge, art, and culture. 

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